Tuesday 14 August 2007

Who are the Liites? (V) - Persecuting the Church

Saul, Saul, wherefore persecutest thou me?.

Another notorious feature of the Liites is the persecution of Christians. Liites believe that they alone are the one true faith in the world. Christian churches are called the Whore of Babylon and Satanic. The LSM has built up a princely war chest from which it takes out lawsuits every few years against Christian publishers who dare discuss Liites openly. This is not simple revenge; each lawsuit brings in millions of dollars in donations from membership. The LSM thrives on crisis and drama; a big lawsuit is a big crisis and drama.

One such lawsuit was for more than $136 million dollars against Harvest House Christian publishers. The LSM lost, but over the six long years of the suit, you can be sure that its war-chest grew larger than ever before.