Thursday, 22 December 2011

New Letter

Excerpts from a letter signed "Yang Wei-feng":

Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 11:20 AM

You should watch your mouth before you speak...

Thank you. How very thoughtful of you.

"ALL Christians -- including Reformed Baptist Thinker -- shall spend 1000 years in darkness from which, if they do not accept Witness Lee's religion, they shall be sent to hell." Now that is a false statement. Witness Lee did not create any religions. Overcomers will enter the Kingdom of God and others will spend 1000 years in darkness, sure, but is that what moves you?

In other words, Wei-feng is disturbed that Li founded and controlled a new religion, but it does not bother him that Li sends all Christians to a thousand years in outer darkness (and then to hell)?!

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Friday, 8 August 2008

Phil Johnson's Bookmarks

The Liites win two entries under "Really Bad Theology" at the Spurgeon Archive.

Affirmation & Critique - This is the journal of "The Local Church" movement, whose guru was Witness Lee. The vagueness of the pseudo-scholarly writing you'll find here is the only thing that disguises how bad this theology is. (See "Amana Christian Bookstore" below.) This group is prone to be litigious against people who label them a "cult." Cult or not, I think their theology is deplorable. So sue me.

Source: Phil Johnson's Bookmarks

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Sunday, 3 February 2008

Peculiar Teachings of The Local Church

An interview with Neil Duddy in UPDATE magazine.

by Johannes Aagaard and Thomas O’Connor
In 1979, Swiss publisher Schwengeler-Verlag published a short book on a movement of six hundred churches known as The Local Church. It’s title “Die Sonderlehre des Witness Lee” translates in English as The Peculiar Teachings af Witness Lee. About 4,000 copies were sold to German-speaking Europeans.

This book was contested in Swiss court by the Stuttgart, West Germany, Local Church, but the suit and subsequent appeal were dismissed. In 1981 the Local Church took the suit to Oakland, California. Schwengeler, and the two co-authors Neil Duddy and the Spiritual Counterfeits Project (SCP) were the defendants.

We present this interview and article about the teachings of the Local Church and its leader Witness Lee as a service to our readers who are interested in the many variations of new religious movements found in the world today. Some, as in the case of the Local Church, have their roots in the Christian faith and can be misidentified as orthodox denominations unless close scrutiny is made of the teachings and organizational methods.

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Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Eternal Damnation of Christians?

Outer darkness and extinction in the eternal fires of hell.

One important thing to remember for all readers here, whether a believer in Christ or not, is that according to Witness Lee, y'all are going to hell.

On this point and many others Witness Lee's religion is just like any other cult. Take the Jehovah's Witnesses for example. The practical consequence of their god-talk is that everyone, including most Jehovah's Witnesses, is damned. The Watchtower Society, the JWs' vatican, teaches that only 144,000 will actually be saved. Now after more than 100 years of existence, the JWs have grown so that their number, living and dead, is what, in the millions? These millions of JWs (and everyone else for that matter) face everlasting extinction of their souls.

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Sunday, 9 December 2007

Webarchives: A Defender of the Faith

In a discussion list, the late Bob Passantino is remembered.

Dear Gretchen:

Very sorry to hear of your profound loss. May the Father of compassion be with you during your time of grief and sorrow. We can be comforted in knowing Bob is in the presence of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Please know his apologetic work regarding the Local Church of Witness Lee was not in vain. Many materials are being gathered from sources around the world that clearly justify the positions you and Bob took about this particular group. Your concerns were well founded.

Below is just a sampling of some of the highlights of materials now being made available to the public. For each item is substantial documentation.

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Friday, 7 September 2007

Violence on God

The consequences of believing you are right and everyone else is wrong.

The Liite cult imposes severe mental pain and psychological problems on followers of Li who sincerely believe in the delusions of the religion. Which religion is not Christian. This is no small point; not only does the cult attack Christianity vociferously, but its dogmas and god-talk (too simplistic to be a theology) are exactly the opposite to what Christians have always believed. For example, Liites, insisting that all the world is wrong, takes on the Holy Trinity and gets it exactly backwards. Naturally whenever Chang-Shou Li, the founder of the Liites, was told that his god-talk was wrong, he declared that he alone was right and everyone else was wrong.

This may well have been a flippant response, but it does have strategic value. Of course, Li's mistake on the Trinity was fruit of his incompetence, his inability (or stubborn refusal) to understand Christian teachings, clearly laid out long ago. But by declaring everyone wrong and him alone right, Li was exacting discipline of his followers.

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Wednesday, 5 September 2007


What is the Liite cult all about?

Why does it spend so much energy in psychologically harming its members and persecuting (high-rolling lawsuits against) Christians?

The answer is money.

"For the love of money is the root of all evil." Since 1963, when Chang-Shou Li first established the Living Stream Ministry (LSM), his organization has been all about money.

The LSM sells books. Very badly written books. Boring books. Anti-Christian books. The only way that the LSM can sell these books is by governing a totalitarian cult wherein its books and only its books are sold and are the basis of all religious ritual (such as "pray-reading" and shrieking "O Lord Jesus"). Without its own tightly controlled cult organization, the LSM could sell nothing.

And the LSM must attack all levels of the church, the body of Christ, to eliminate all possible competition lest its followers spend their money on books sold by someone else.

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Friday, 24 August 2007

A Thick Juicy Steak

A slab of stale bread is better than nothing.
Nothing is better than a thick juicy steak.
Therefore, a slab of stale bread is better than a thick juicy steak.

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