Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Eternal Damnation of Christians?

Outer darkness and extinction in the eternal fires of hell.

One important thing to remember for all readers here, whether a believer in Christ or not, is that according to Witness Lee, y'all are going to hell.

On this point and many others Witness Lee's religion is just like any other cult. Take the Jehovah's Witnesses for example. The practical consequence of their god-talk is that everyone, including most Jehovah's Witnesses, is damned. The Watchtower Society, the JWs' vatican, teaches that only 144,000 will actually be saved. Now after more than 100 years of existence, the JWs have grown so that their number, living and dead, is what, in the millions? These millions of JWs (and everyone else for that matter) face everlasting extinction of their souls.

The ghostly triage.

So what does the Living Stream Ministry, the fabulously rich vatican of the Local Church, teach? It teaches a triage: of believers in Witness Lee, of Christians, and of everyone else. Good believers in Witness Lee who have pray-read Lee's writings become God. To be sure, they do not become God's head, but God's body. I am not sure where the infinite God keeps his body, but it is there waiting, literally, for finite men magically to turn into it.

And what happens to Christians, you ask? Christians do not accept Witness Lee's religion, therefore they will be cast at the end times into outer darkness for a thousand years.

But it's not that simple. There's more to it, but first I want to show you why Lee made up this doctrine because I find the story interesting. You see to make his living, Lee had to sell his tapes and books (actually they were all ghost-written by John Ingalls and Al Knoch, but that is another story) to somebody. He needed an audience. America was a Christian country, he was told, and so he decided to market his material toward Christians. Thus he would publish his materials using the same technical vocabulary that Christians use.

Lee heard a lot of Christians talk about "getting saved," so he would, too. However as one might expect, Lee didn't really understand what getting saved was; but that didn't matter, he would make up his own definition and sell that as a new revelation from God.

The king is dead, long live the king.

For his revelation, Lee turned to his native China, the land of leaving fruit do the goddess of money and the land where the uttermost joy was Nirvana; that is, to become nothing and merge with God who was All. Lee's twist on Nirvana was that everyone who pray-read his words literally took a piece of God within him. "Getting saved" was the first piece of God you get. The process is like tea in water: tea dissolves, mingling with the water, making the water tea-like. The more tea you add into the cup, the less water there is. If you keep adding tea, at length the cup will be full of tea and empty of water. In the end there is no water, only tea.

In other words, you cease to exist; you are God. The king is dead, long live the king.

Now to loop back to the fate of Christians.

Because Christians "get saved," they still have that first piece of God inside them. But since they failed to purchase Lee's massive amount of materials and failed to pray-read them, this first piece never grew. The tea-cup has a little tiny piece of tea in it, but it is still mostly water. Since you, the wicked Christian, did not buy and pray-read Lee's stuff, you are not God yet and you can't be admitted unto heaven.

But since you do have a tiny piece of God in you, you can't go to hell straightway because God does not like it there. So instead, you are sent to 1000 years of outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Christian readers will recognize this as a perversion of Jesus' parable of the virgins.)

Now as I said far back at the beginning, the fate of Christians does not stop in outer darkness. That is only for a thousand years.

Lee taught that Christians would be granted one more chance to choose Lee's doctrines. And if they refuse? They go to hell, where the fires burn man's soul to separate out the God mingled with the man, like cinder running from a fire. When that is done, Christians will meet the same fate as Jehovah's Witnesses: their souls become extinct.

Everyone else, including Liites that did not pray-read enough Living Stream books, likewise go to hell where they are destroyed.

That leaves one unanswered question.

If a Christian at the end of his thousand years in outer darkness does choose Lee, how does his check for pray-reading material reach the Living Stream offices in Anaheim?